Adding a Product

The “Product Listing” module is separated into three different sections.

The first section is the “Name/Description. The name and description fields are required in order to create a new product. There is also an optional field to add a price along with the currency format, which is Canadian by default.

The second section is “Product Details”. To expand the details, click the “Product Details” tab. These details will be displayed when the user clicks the “More Information” link for expanded listing or when they click the image for compact listing on the front end of the website. The image below shows the administration on the left, and on the right it shows what the details will look like on the front end.

The details allow you to easily describe the different types of products that you may have on your website.

The third section is “Images”. To view image options, click the “Images” tab. The products images are similar to the other modules, except that you can upload more than one image, and you are able to re-order the images. Keep in mind that the first image will be the image that is displayed in the main listing page, and the rest of the images are viewable on the side when the user clicks the “More Information” link. For more information on uploading images, see “Adding Images” section.

Once you have completed entering the information for the product, click the “Save” button. To edit, delete or re-order your products scroll down the page until you see a box labeled “Products”, like shown below:

To see what the products page looks like, you will need to log out of the administration and navigate to the page that has the products on it. Below is an example of what a product listing with the “Expanded Listing” would look like to your user.

When the user clicks on the “More Information” link, they are able to see the full product details: As you can see in the image below, the images are located on the left with the description and details on the right. To return to the products listing page, click the “Back to Listing” link.

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